He Excellency Sok Soken, Minister of Tourism, expressed his strong hope that through the organization of joint events between Cambodia and China within the framework of the 2024 Year of People-to-People and Chinese-People’s Exchange Campaign, especially cultural, tourism, and tourism events, Shaolin and bokator performances now allow us to more widely promote the culture, traditions, and tourism potential of our two countries.Cultural exchanges between Cambodia and China not only show interest in the Chinese market for Cambodian tourism. The statement of the Minister of Tourism was made during the cultural tourism event and the performance of Shaolin and Bokator on the morning of April 24, 2024, at the Bayon Temple, Siem Reap Province.This event really reflects the high attention of the two heads of government, especially the good cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia and the administration of Henan Province. strengthening and expanding the Cambodia-China friendship in line with the spirit of steel friendship and the common destiny of Cambodia and China, with depth and practicality, as well as the framework for diamond cooperation between Cambodia and China, focusing on six priority areas that include people-to-people exchanges. In addition, the event supports the Cambodia-China Year and People-to-People Exchange Year 2024 campaigns and is an active contributor to the implementation of the Belt and Road Strategy. At the same time, in order to attract more tourists to participate in all the events and activities organized under the campaign of the Year of Change of People and People of Cambodia-China 2024, the Ministry of Tourism, in collaboration with the relevant ministries and institutions, is organizing sports tourism events.Culture, exhibitions, and more. In line with the launch of the Siem Reap 2024 campaign, To organize a calendar of events for national and international tourists, especially Chinese tourists. The Royal Government has launched the first phase of the Pentagon strategy, which recognizes tourism as a priority sector that contributes to economic and social development.To enhance the prestige and resilience of Cambodia through the transformation of Cambodia into a leading tourist destination rich in sports, loss, and warmth, and to achieve the above vision, the Ministry of Tourism has launched a strategic initiative.He added that the future of Cambodia’s tourism sector is inseparable from the growing influx of Chinese tourists and investors.Cambodia is well-prepared to receive Chinese tourists and investors by facilitating a welcoming environment for Chinese tourists and investors in Cambodia. The growth of Chinese tourism is an important innovation that not only promotes the development of tourism but also creates investment opportunities in various sectors. Cambodia and many other countries in the world consider China a strategic partner and source.It is the most important market on the basis of its economic growth and national development. It should be noted that in 2023, Cambodia received about 5.45 million international tourists, of which about 54,000 were Chinese tourists and national tourists.For the first three months of 2024, Cambodia received 88,857 tourists, an increase of 18 percent, of which about 10,9990 were Chinese, an increase of 38.5 percent.